Customs Declaration
A Customs Declaration is a formal document submitted to the customs authorities of a country, providing essential information about the goods being imported or exported. The declaration typically includes details such as the description, quantity, and value of the goods, the names and addresses of the importer and exporter, the country of origin, and the purpose of the shipment. Customs Declarations are used by customs authorities to assess duties and taxes, enforce import and export regulations, and compile trade statistics. They play a crucial role in ensuring compliance with international trade laws and the smooth flow of goods across borders.
— sennder Team
Example or usage in road freight logistics:
An electronics company in the United States is exporting a shipment of smartphones to a customer in Canada. To comply with customs regulations, the company must submit a Customs Declaration detailing the smartphones' description, quantity, value, and other relevant information. The company hires a Customs Broker to ensure the accurate preparation and submission of the Customs Declaration, allowing the shipment to clear customs efficiently and reach its destination in Canada without delays or issues.