sennder announces the successful closing of the acquisition of the European Surface Transportation operations of C.H. Robinson.

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Logistics Tech
2 minute read • sennder Team • August 4, 2018

The German Logistics Market in Figures

Germany's geographical location in the centre of Europe and the associated benefits is one of the main reasons for the strength of the German logistics industry. The market volume in Germany amounted to 258 billion Euro, in the year 2016, which means a continuous increase of 3.7% from 2004 to 2013.
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German logistics with steady growth

Germany's geographical location in the centre of Europe and the associated benefits is one of the main reasons for the strength of the German logistics industry. The market volume in Germany amounted to 258 billion Euro, in the year 2016, which means a continuous increase of 3.7% from 2004 to 2013.

With an estimated European market volume of the logistics industry over about a trillion Euros, Germany stands, with a quarter of the total volume, in place 1 of all the European States.

Thus, the business of goods freight traffic lies in place 3 of the most important sectors of the German economy, solely the automotive industry, and trade, have larger sales volumes. A total of approximately 2.9 million people are employed in the logistics sector, and this is reflected in the approximately 60,000 small and medium-sized companies. The available area, which is used for logistics services in Germany amounts to approximately 50 million sq. m., visible at locations such as the port of Hamburg or Frankfurt airport.

Transport made in Germany

But also in international comparison, Germany does not need to hide, quite on the contrary: With a balance surplus (exports minus imports) of 297 billion Euros in 2016, Germany is the export champion of the world, according to calculations by the Ifo Institute.

02 Handelsbilanzüberschuss Deutschland (sennder).png

The freight traffic by mode of transport

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It's easy to see that sennder operates through its focus on road transport in the dominant sector of logistics. The respective share of transported tons on the road in the German and European market was at over 75% in 2014, which makes the road still to the most popular mode of transport.

The future of the logistics location, Germany

When considering the different modes of transport, in the year 2014 to 2018, a strong growth, mainly driven by a combined transport (KV) of annually 4.9% (volume) and 4% (performance), was expected. Something similar applies to the air and ocean freight, each with approximately 2.5% in volume and performance, according to the Federal Ministry of transport.

In the operational area, the logistics industry is primarily driven by pressure for innovation in the field of process optimization and networking, mainly due to the digitalization of the "industry 4.0". sennder comes into play here: as a service provider in the area of cargo tech sennder is not only informed about the current trends, but a part of them: The on-demand-platform allows for guaranteed capacity and 100% transparency through instant prices, live tracking, customized workflows and automated notifications through the use of interface integration.

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