sennder announces the successful closing of the acquisition of the European Surface Transportation operations of C.H. Robinson.
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VAT: DE348190767
EST Germany GmbH
Gereonstraße 43-65 50670 Cologne
VAT no.: DE449901598
sennder Italia S.r.l
Via Arbe 49 20125 Milano, Italy
VAT: IT10933700964
EST Italy S.r.l c/o sennder Italia
Via Arbe, 49 20125 Milano MI, Italy
VAT no.: IT02826240695
EST Italy S.r.l.
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VAT no.: IT02826240695
sennder Iberia, S.L.U.
Calle José Ortega y Gasset 20, planta 7 28006 Madrid, Spain
VAT: ESB88352885
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C. de Pallars, 108 08018 Barcelona, Spain
VAT: ESB88352885
EST Transport & Logistics Solutions Spain S.L.U.
INBISA DIAGONAL Building 22@ Calle Pujades 350, A2 Office (7th Floor) 08019 Barcelona