sennder announces the successful closing of the acquisition of the European Surface Transportation operations of C.H. Robinson.

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Logistics Tech
3 minute read • sennder Team • September 23, 2022

Increase Supply Chain Visibility with GPS Tracking

Sustainable transport includes lowering emissions. For shippers, it also means reducing cost and increasing visibility. Find out how sennder's GPS-tracking solutions can help.
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Transporting goods isn’t getting any cheaper. In the first quarter of this year, IRU, the world road transport organization, reported a record-breaking spike of 4.3 points in European road freight rates due to rising fuel costs and lack of drivers. Experts predict costs will remain high through 2022 and into 2023 due to the continuing surge in consumer demand, inflation, and a shortage of resources caused by the war in Ukraine.

To overcome these challenges and meet the consumer need for fast, efficient, reliable, and sustainable shipments, shippers need to make their supply chains more transparent. sennder’s GPS tracking service offers shippers real-time visibility along the entire route, from pick-up to drop-off. Improving supply chain visibility helps shippers resolve delivery issues quickly by spotting potential disruptions as they occur.

sennder fulfills track-and-trace guarantee for shippers

Boosting supply chain visibility is one of sennder’s specialities. Between 2020 and 2021, sennder’s GPS tracking solution increased in usage by 60 percent in France and more than 50 percent in Germany, on selected orders. The success of this service is due to sennder’s commitment to quality and accuracy.

To provide shippers with consistent tracking in real time, sennder works with telematics providers and ingress aggregators to combine GPS data into a single platform–sennder’s driver app. From here, sennder can use the data to assign automatic timestamps (which are useful for seeing when a vehicle has arrived or left a certain location), and to calculate and share estimated time of arrivals (ETAs).

GPS tracking means you’ll never lose sight of shipments again

sennder ‘s GPS tracking service provides real-time location and status of goods from A to B, and detailed information gained from transportation telematics–which provides insights around driving efficiency.

If you’re a shipper that provides high-quality goods to consumers and brands around the world, having access to this kind of granular data can mean the difference between meeting an ETA or losing a customer. GPS tracking with sennder’s real-time telematics data, offers you visibility, insight, and reassurance.

sennder continues to provide consistent, real-time load and truck visibility across Europe.

Using sennder’s track-and-trace, can also increase daily operational efficiency by helping you predict and monitor precise ETAs. Knowing exactly where your shipments are between the warehouse, highway and destination: reduces loss, reveals possible bottlenecks before they occur, enables the potential for greater revenue, and can help reduce yearly CO2 emissions by eliminating unnecessary driving and idling.

sennder’s GPS tracking helps shippers:

  • Maintain delivery service-level agreements (SLAs) and meet accurate ETAs

  • Track load and truck locations in real-time

  • Prevent and reduce the loss of goods

  • Increase output and potential revenue

  • Meet environmental targets and sustainability goals

The external forces currently at play in the European road freight market make for an uncertain, challenging, and complex logistics market. It looks like the logistics industry will have to prepare for another year of unique challenges. Shippers who want to gain a competitive edge, regardless of the ups and downs of a turbulent industry, can rely on automated tracking services such as GPS tracking with sennder, to access reliable, accurate data and gain valuable shipment visibility.

Find out how sennder GPS tracking can support your business HERE.

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