sennder announces the successful closing of the acquisition of the European Surface Transportation operations of C.H. Robinson.

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September 29, 2022

Strategies and benefits for shippers supporting carriers in a tight-capacity market

Webinar hosted by Dr. Claudio Consul, Senior Vice President of Operations and Carrier Business Solutions, joined by Aleks Mroczek, senior manager of Carrier Strategy & Analytics, and Mats Wolterink, Carrier Executive for sennder Benelux.

Webinar: Carrier capacity insights and strategies for shippers

Webinar: Carrier capacity insights and strategies for shippers

Duration: 29:38

With a growing shortage of truck drivers in Europe, and continued uncertainties related to Covid, the war in Ukraine, and the EU mobility package, accessing reliable shipping capacity has perhaps never been more of a challenge.

In navigating today’s supply-driven freight market, shippers can gain an advantage by understanding the challenges carriers face and finding ways to support their partners.

Webinar hosted by Dr. Claudio Consul, Senior Vice President of Operations and Carrier Business Solutions. Joining the conversation, we have: Aleks Mroczek, senior manager of Carrier Strategy & Analytics. Together, they detail key challenges and market issues that carriers are facing today. Mats Wolterink, Carrier Executive for sennder Benelux, follows-up with strategies shippers can use to support the carriers they work with to gain an advantage in the market.

Key topics covered:

  • The severe driver shortage in Europe (estimated around 400k) will continue to grow as a consequence of the war in Ukraine.

  • Three big challenges for carriers include: trucks driving empty, late payments, and a lack of external support.

  • Sky-rocketing load acceptance rates during the outbreak of Covid-19 show that carriers value stable and predictable work in times of uncertainty.

  • Shippers can gain favor with carriers by offering predictable loads, creating flexibility with dynamic time slots, and improving warehouse facility ratings.

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