sennder announces the successful closing of the acquisition of the European Surface Transportation operations of C.H. Robinson.

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CEMT permit


A CEMT (Conference of European Ministers of Transport) permit is a special license that lets businesses move goods from one country to another within a group of countries called CEMT countries. It's like a passport for goods, making it easier to take products across borders without needing a bunch of different permits. This is done to make trade simpler and to help businesses save time and paperwork.

— sennder Team


A CEMT permit is a big deal in logistics because it cuts down on the red tape needed to take goods across different countries in Europe. Instead of getting separate permissions for each country, carriers can use a CEMT permit to smoothly move goods across many countries. This helps in speeding up the process and making international supply chains work better.
The CEMT permit system includes many European countries like Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, and others. Some countries outside Europe, like Turkey, are also part of this system. So, it's not just limited to European countries but extends a bit beyond that.
Getting a CEMT permit involves talking to the transport authorities in your country. They are the ones who give out these permits. In some places, like Finland, companies need to have a special kind of license called a Community license to get a CEMT permit. Once you have a CEMT permit, it's like having a ticket that allows your trucks to carry goods across different countries within the CEMT group. There's even a way to apply for this permit online in some countries, making it a modern and straightforward process.

Example or usage in road freight logistics:

Imagine a trucking company in Germany wants to take goods to Italy and then to France. Without a CEMT permit, they would need to get separate permissions for each country. But with a CEMT permit, they can go from Germany to Italy to France smoothly without any extra hassle. It's a real time-saver!

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