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Logistics Tech
3 minute read • sennder Team • February 15, 2022

Chartering saves time and money: 5 reasons to give it a try

Read how chartering trucks with sennder helps small and medium carriers to save time and money.
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Trucks can’t make money sitting in a parking lot. Profits are a product of loaded kilometers driven. That’s why for carriers, it’s vital to keep trucks moving.

But sometimes finding freight can be the hardest part of the business. Especially for smaller trucking companies, scanning freight shipping marketplaces for eligible loads takes away from time that could be spent on the road.

That’s why many carriers opt to charter their trucks. Chartering is an agreement to make your trucks available for loads which are assigned by a service provider. It offers a way to guarantee your fleet stays on the road earning revenue. At sennder, we’ve established great relationships with carriers who charter with us.

Here are five ways that chartering with sennder offers a unique way for carriers to maximize their fleet utilization.

1. Chartering hubs across Europe cover widespread shipping lanes

We’ve established operational chartering hubs in Germany, Spain, Latvia, Poland and Romania. These locations, placed strategically across Europe, enable us to cover both local and international lanes.

Whether you’ve got two trucks in Latvia, ten in Poland, or even 20 in Germany we can set you up chartering on lanes covering your area.

Additionally, we’ve got teams of logistics professionals at each of our hubs to keep track of your orders, and take calls if problems come up. No matter where you drive in Europe, we have a team member who is here to back you up when you need support.

2. Our vast shipping market offers steady business

For the past seven years, we’ve built connections to shippers across Europe. Chartering with us allows you to tap into the vast shipping market that we’ve built. This translates to more work opportunities, and more cash flow.

Beyond more business, we’re striving to offer you better business. We’re here to listen to your needs, and set up orders that work for you. If you prefer to drive short trips, we can set you up with roundtrip loads. Or, if you prefer to work for a week or two at once, we can set a full schedule which fits your time frame. For instance, a truck in Riga might start by taking a load of exports from the Baltics, then spend some days delivering loads between Germany, Benelux and France, and finally end with an order back to Riga.

With our digital platform and dedicated support teams, we can identify orders that suit your drivers’ schedules and adjust to their preferences. For example, if your drivers prefer not to drive at night, we’ll work around that.

3. We offer one stop coordination on all orders

Tracking, managing and troubleshooting orders can be a time-intensive process. Between coordinating pick-up and drop-off times, dealing with routing issues, and managing delays, small and medium carriers certainly have their fair share of work to do.

When you charter with sennder, we coordinate the entire process - from accepting the order, to pick-up, to delivery.

“It makes my job a lot easier,” says Jurgita Tribandiene, founder of UAB Rolvita Trucking Company, who started chartering trucks with sennder last year. “Before, I was in charge of searching for cargo, which is very difficult, and now I have time for other tasks.”

Tribandiene and her partner Stanionis have found that chartering with sennder allows them to operate as if they have a team working for them, without needing to actually hire more office employees.

This arrangement has worked well for both sides: After testing one or two trucks, they now charter the majority of their fleet with sennder.

4. Empty kilometers are compensated

When you charter with sennder, every kilometer is accounted for, from the moment your truck leaves the depot to when it returns.

We understand that it’s our responsibility to fill your route with orders, so if you should have to drive some kilometers with an empty truck, we’ll pay you for those kilometers. This is one way that we ensure that your work with us is worth it.

5. Payments are fast and reliable

Say goodbye to waiting for invoices to process, for a proof of delivery to be mailed or other payment delays. We know how important fast and reliable payments are for carriers, so we double check that payments arrive accurately and on time.

With sennder’s driver app, you can upload proof of delivery documents directly from your phone to get a head start on receiving your pay. If you opt for our fast payment service, you can get paid just 72 hours after completing a delivery.

We also ensure that all standard payments are processed within 30 days.

truck driver looks at the driver app

See how sennder can take your business to the next level

If you’ve got working trucks waiting in the yard, chartering with sennder is a no-brainer.

Take advantage of our trans-European network, our nearly boundless capacity, our international team of logistics professionals, and our tech products. Our resources can save you time and money, and your hard-working truckers can help us to ship more freight across Europe.

Join one of the fastest growing charter fleets in Europe today.

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