sennder gibt den erfolgreichen Abschluss der Übernahme des Europäischen Landtransportgeschäfts von C.H. Robinson bekannt

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Succeed as a team

sennder Academy

Identifying and nurturing potential, sharing skills and strengthening team spirit
Investing in people from the start.

We identify potential, promote skills and strengthen team spirit: Our employees are the future of our company. In order to promote everyone in our sennder family according to their abilities and to grow together as a strong team, we have developed a long-term employee program: sennder Academy.

In our academy, we prepare our employees for a successful start into their career at sennder. In a two-week onboarding program, our newcomers acquire fundamental knowledge of the logistics industry and get to know the inner workings of our company. In this way, our employees internalize our corporate values in only a few weeks.

For newcomers, the sennder academy is the ultimate place to make new friends and grow together as a team. Fun and team-building events are part of the program. In the sennder family, we create a pleasant and productive 360° learning environment in which everyone can feel comfortable and develop freely.

We have developed our own learning platform to offer our employees a permanent and individual learning process. It not only works as a support during the onboarding weeks, but also as a long-term platform to strengthen existing knowledge and to continually challenge oneself.

The three core elements of the academy
  • Challenge
  • Inspiration
  • Team building

The sennder academy offers space for the individual development of each employee. We want to exploit and promote the maximum potential of our employees. It will be demanding, but also rewarding!

a man on the crosswalk

With their knowledge, our internal experts provide exciting input, food for thought and inspiration. Our employees can broaden their horizons and develop an in-depth understanding of the world of logistics.

sennder fitness space

In the sennder academy, we bring new employees together with existing employees. We want to grow together as a strong team and provide the necessary feel-good factor. Welcome to our sennder family!

Ready to start your engine?